Applications for the Crazy Idea Grant can be submitted by email to until 28 August 2017Crazy-idea-grant-29-Sept-2017
Category Archives: Premature aging of the lung vasculature explains the progression of pulmonary arterial hypertension, and this ‘irreversible’ process can be reversed by a new anti-aging drug
PULS 2016 van lab naar leven: Save The Date 18 February – Nieuwegein
Puls 2016 is organized by De Hartstichting / Hart & Vaatgroep for patients, scientists and companies.
Registration is now open at
Consortium meeting Q4-2015 on 27th Nov in Groningen
CVON Heart-Brain Connection Call open – deadline 23 Dec 2015
The CVON HBC Out of the Box call is open for applications from young, talented researchers (max. age 35 years at deadline for submission)
- The subject should be within or complementary to the HBC consortium. See for the HBC programme details.
- An overview of all criteria can be found in the proposal template.
- Deadline for submission Wednesday December 23, 2015, 23.59h.
November 27th consortium meeting in Groningen
On Friday November 27th, the Q3/4-meeting will be held at the UMC Groningen. The meeting will start at 13:00 and end around 18:00.
Programme _20151127
TGF-β meeting 2016
On the 21st – 23rd August 2016 the TGF-β meeting is organized at the LUMC in Leiden. More information to follow. Access on invitation only.
12-16 October – PhD training courses at Papendal

2015 Summer School Phaedra 30 sept – 2 okt
The Summer School will be organised by Daphne Merkus. Further details will be available soon.
Sharing the scientific knowledge and getting to know your (new) colleagues are the goals for the summer school.