12-16 October – PhD training courses at Papendal

The PhD training courses bring young scientists in close contact with the latest scientific developments in the cardiovascular field. The courses are being held between October 12 – October 16, 2015 at Papendal. Register now. More information.

2015 Summer School Phaedra 30 sept – 2 okt

The Summer School will be organised by Daphne Merkus. Further details will be available soon.

Sharing the scientific knowledge and getting to know your (new) colleagues are the goals for the summer school.

May 26th consortium meeting in Amsterdam

On Tuesday May 26th, the Q2-meeting will be held at the VUmc in Amsterdam. The meeting will start at 13:00 and end around 17:30  (Programme). The Scientific Advisory Board will be present and give two presentations for our researchers.


A high pressure in the pulmonary circulation (pulmonary hypertension, PH) complicates several highly prevalent chronic diseases, including left heart failure and chronic thrombo-embolic disease. Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a fatally progressive form of PH with characteristic changes in small lung arteries, affecting 1/50.000 humans. Regardless of primary cause, PH almost invariably leads to right heart failure and death.
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